Earthworks // Cast in Place 3D printed wall
EarthWorks explores the potential for excavation waste or other soils sourced directly from the construction site to be 3D printed into large-scale cast-in-place, prefab, or tilt-up formwork for reinforced concrete. Applications include carbon saving shape optimized structural systems, thermal and acoustically performative surface conditions, and radical geometric design freedom. In this example, a print-in-place 3D printed earthen wall integrating cast-in-place footings, columns, and sills.
Project team: Sandy Curth, Natalie Pearl, Emily Wissemann, Latifa Alkhayat, Tim Cousin, Vincent Jackow, Moh Ismail, Caitlin Mueller
Open Access Publication here.
Citation: A. Curth et al., “EarthWorks: Zero waste 3D printed earthen formwork for shape-optimized, reinforced concrete construction,” Construction and Building Materials, vol. 449, p. 138387, Oct. 2024, doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.138387.

photos by Saleh Jamsheer
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